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Gambler is a Role-playing subclass in Elder Tale.[1]


The Gambler is someone whose way of life is to put everything into betting and competition.

The subclass was added when the game chat was improved and enhanced with some simple functions like dice-rolling (which could be used to draw and distribute raid loot). Gamblers extend these adds, making it possible to play mini-games with the other chat users. Some special quests give them dedicated items like dices, cards or a roulette to further expand the role-play but otherwise it remained a majorly Role-playing subclass without any game bonuses (related to battles or production). There are rumors running about the subclass making the player "luckier”, giving them a “higher critical rate and drop rate for rare items", but they lack clear evidence and are no more than an urban legend.

To become a Gambler, Adventurers must complete the subclass-changing quest which asks to find a legendary gambler and win all ten parties in a row. There is no level requirement, so it is possible to try even at a low level, but winning is purely a matter of luck, so in a sense it is a difficult quest. With a lot of luck, you might be able to clear it in one shot, but most of the time, you'll lose a reasonable amount of money before achieving the 10 consecutive wins, and if luck left your side, you can lose up to 100,000 gold without being able to get the subclass. In these respects, it is poorly populated.

Living off gambling is dangerous, risky and not a grounded way of life, so it figures among the rarest and most scarce subclasses of the People of the Earth. While there are some cultural aspects to their way of living, Gamblers are usually not treated that differently from Outlaws, some exceptions aside. Exceptions are those with good social and gambling skills who can be hired as dealers in taverns, brothels and casinos or who, with enough funds, open their own gambling houses. The unlucky who failed to get one of those legitimate (for the underworld) jobs become cheaters and wander places trying to take money from ignorant amateurs.

Known Skills[]

Name Description
Bullseye When the amount of damage dealt by an attack is a repdigit (like 11, 444, 7777), the effect is doubled (what effect specifically is unknown).
Jackpot Increases the duration of a critical hit buff.
Insurance Pay half of your HP as “insurance”. If you die, you will be resurrected with half your HP.
Raise When using the same skill twice, you can boost the skill’s effect by using 10% more MP. If the skill successfully lands, each usage of that skill will increase its effect exponentially. However, if it fails, you pay double the normal MP cost.
Tarot Roll Unlocked at Level 50.
Destined Dice

Known Items[]

  • Blessing of the Goddess: So-Called “Gambling Dice”[女神の祝福:通称 「ギャンブルダイス」] : Reward from the <Great All-or-Nothing Game> quest. 6-10 various dice are included in the set. Comes with its own pouch. It might just be the dice, but it seems as though the number of pips (dots on a die) you want appear slightly more often when you use <Destined Dice>.
  • Blessing of the Goddess: So-Called “Tarot Cards[女神の祝福:通称 「タロットカード」]

Known Gamblers[]


  1. Log Horizon Database, https://lhrpg.com/lhz/i?id=1656