Log Horizon Wiki
I have been down on my luck in drawing lots, why is this happening?
Michitaka, Volume 2 Annex

Michitaka is one of the players trapped in a the MMORPG Elder Tale. His character is a Monk and he is the leader of the biggest production guild in Akiba named Oceanic Systems, consisting of 2,500 members. He appeared when Crescent Moon Alliance is trying to secure sponsors for their new food business, McCrescent, which is the cover up of their secret operation along with Log Horizon to improve the environment in Akiba. In the real world, he is a section chief salaryman.





Michitaka's item 1 Raging Earth Hammer: A reward for completing a five-round Blacksmith challenge against a Cyclops. An excellent tool that can be used as a weapon, but increases the durability of items produced if used as a blacksmith tool.[1]
Michitaka's item 2 Craftsman's Apron: Armor for Blacksmiths. It is of little use in combat, but it increases the stats and HP bonus of items you create. However, because it is only upper body armor, care must be taken when you're wearing it.[1]
Michitaka's item 3 Blacksmith's Seven Tools: A crucial tool for forging items, an essential tool for all blacksmiths. It can be equipped at any level, and can be customized to suit the Adventurer's needs.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Log Horizon Light Novel: Volume 2, Chapter 5

