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Scared NPCs

Two People of the Land near Susukino

People of the Land (大地人 daichi-jin) (also called "Landers") is the term used to describe the Non-Player Characters or NPCs (ノンプレイヤーキャラクター) in Elder Tale.  They can be found in cities and safe zones and span a range of professions including aristocrats, shopkeepers, and farmers.[1]


People of the Land can be utilized for a number of things including the purchase of food, items, clothing, and can be spoken to for quests. What forms these types of quests take are up to assumption, but escort and monster hunting quests appear to be present.[2]

Their history has been largely shaped by their wars against the Alvs and the demi races. Several hundred years ago the People of the Land were on the brink of annihilation at the hands of the demi races when the adventurers appeared. The adventurers pushed the demi races and monster back which allowed the People of the Land to recover and rebuild their civilization. This was the status queue right up until the Apocalypse.

Following the Catastrophe, the number of People of the Land increased by five to ten-fold, but they still remained weak compared to players, and if they chose, players could use their superior strength to take their belongings or their lives. Furthermore, instead of just being seen as NPCs, the People of the Land now have memories, feelings and even their own histories, making them far more human than before.[3]

There are powerful People of the Land like the Royal Guard and the Ancients. Normal People of the Land can also get stronger and level themselves up. However, their rate of improvement is about 1/4 that of Adventurers and the highest level they can achieve is around 60 or so. Even the strongest of People of the Land knights are still no match against a single Level 90 Adventurer such as Berserker Krusty or Black Sword Isaac. Only by donning the Mobile Armor of the Royal Guard, is a Person of the Land able to defeat most high-leveled Adventurers with ease. However, due to the armor's restrictions of fighting only within a city's borders and its dependence on the city's magic circle, this is a limited advantage at best.

One interesting thing to note is the fact that People of the Land can gain the abilities of the Adventurers through a magical contract. This process was created by Shiroe. It is not known if any other adventurer is capable of discovering and utilizing this magic. So far, only Rundelhouse Code has been given these abilities through a contract made by Shiroe. He keeps this fact an absolute secret as it would cause untold chaos if it were revealed. In spite of that fact, some people are still aware that he used some sort of "grand magic."

With the discovery of foods with flavor and the new inventions and products created by the Adventurers, the overall culture of the People of the Land has greatly changed due to these influences. Foods with actual taste have become overwhelmingly popular among the former NPCs with many domains now seeking out new methods of ingredient procurement, cooking techniques, and transport of goods. Devices previously unheard of are now sought after. New products and industrial methods are welcomed. They now see Adventurers as not only mercenaries for hire and protectors, but as new opportunities for wealth and technology advancement.

At the same time, though, some of the Landers, especially the nobles, viewed the Adventurers as a possible threat and did not trust them. This became evident when the nobles at the Eastal Conference of Lords decided to keep the Knights of Izumo's disappearance a secret from the Round Table Alliance representatives out of fear that the Adventurers would take advantage of the situation. Unlike the Ancients, the Adventurers were not necessarily obligated to fight for the nobility. As Shiroe noted it was now possible to overthrow a ruling government; much like in Demiqas's case, Adventurers have full freedom to do whatever they please. In addition, People of the Land are often seen have very little information, or understanding, about the real origins of Adventurers; Landers were oblivious to the fact on how Elder Tale was once a game to the Adventurers, how Adventurers hail from another world, and so forth. However, because the Landers were aware of how little they knew of Adventurers, this created a huge friction between the two sides.

Adventurers, Landers, Ancients and Monsters all have there souls appear in a different shades of Color. In an Landers case, there soul would appear as an orange color.


After the Catastrophe, Shiroe notes that the NPCs in Elder Tale are capable of having names, personalities, memories, and emotions, and are able to die permanently. He points that this actually makes them more human than the players in Elder Tale.[4] The subject of the humanity of NPCs is an important topic for at the Round Table Conference, as show in Episode 10. The only difference is how Landers are given fixed settings where they are unable to develop in certain areas, such as knowledge. One example is how Landers only have 42 songs (possibly correlating to the game having only 42 tracks) and cannot make any new ones; only Adventurers can.[5] However, despite how Landers are given such fixed settings, where they are reliant on Adventurers for new developments, Landers are capable of learning. This was shown when Landers had learned to make their own foods with flavor upon the discovery. This is further made clear as Rundelhouse Code remarks that many blacksmiths, artisans, cooks and other craftsman from the People of the Land have migrated to Akihabara, in order to learn the techniques from the Adventurers. A few months of learning is equivalent to a lifetime of study.

People of the Land actually speak a different language than Adventurers. However, because of a system similar to the game's automatic translation machine, the two groups understand each other perfectly well. This appears to be very effective as the two groups, not only are able to understand each other verbally, are able to understand the different writing systems of either side; the only exception seems to be certain terminology, such as those derived from pop culture, commonly used in the modern world of the Adventurers where, likewise, Landers have their own unique terminology where "forty-two" means "music" in reference to how Landers had lived with only forty-two songs as "given to them by God." The automatic translation machine is noted to be not perfect and there may be errors during translation which was shown when Serara had asked a Lander storeowner for fish paste but was given flour paste instead.


  1. NHK's Official Log Horizon website (nhk.or.jp)
  2. 「様々な問題や事件を解決するのも、クエストの大きな割合を占めていた。」 Log Horizon Light Novel: Volume 2, Chapter 2
  3. 「〈大地人〉はその数を5~10倍に増やしたようだが戦闘能力で見ればまだ開きがある。」 Log Horizon Light Novel: Volume 2, Chapter 2
  4. 「一人一人が名前を持ち、記憶を持っている。」 Log Horizon Light Novel: Volume 2, Chapter 2
  5. Log Horizon Light Novel: Volume 8