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War Priest is one of the many Role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.[1] It is the opposite of the Holy Warrior subclass.


The War Priest represents the healers who sometimes take up arms to fight. A player with this subclass can replace some Recovery class skills with Warrior class skills.

Despite the fact that War Priest is a subclass implemented since the beginning of Elder Tale, it is not very popular, at least not in Yamato. Indeed, the japanese server gave priority to the Japan-typed clergy subclasses like Astrologer, Talismancer and Precant so War Priest was not added to the event like the other overseas servers. As a result, it was left as a subclass that only provides slight self-reinforcement and recovery bonuses when it was introduced and the fanbase kind of treats it like a blank spot in the world setting.

It is a subclass that doesn’t need any quest or condition to get, so players can choose to become War Priest whenever they want. It is said to be a subclass for beginners thanks to its easy acquisition, simplicity of use and because it doesn’t require any experience to handle it. However it has a history of being used by malicious RMT[Real Money Trading] companies for its characteristics that makes it ideal for programmed fund collecting with bots. For everyone aware of these behind-the-scenes circumstances, War Priest is a subclass with a slightly negative image.

People of the Earth treat War Priests differently depending on the region they inhabit, notably between Yamato and the rest of Theldesia. In particular in the western part of the continent of Eured and in the land of Wen (which represent Europe and the US), War Priests have an important position in society as both priests and powerful leaders and often hold high social status like knight or noble.

On the other hand, War Priests in Yamato are rare and a minor profession since, by Japan’s own cultural customs, Astrologers, Talismancers and Precants are the official clergy. The majority of Yamato’s Landers don't even know about them.

In the Ninetails region, the Amakusa Foreigner Castle[〈アマクサの異人城〉〈Amakusa no ijin-jō〉] is home to a small number of missionary War Priests who came from across the sea, but to the people of Yamato, they are treated as "preachers of an obscure religion who have come from the continent beyond the sea”.

An article was written about it in the 17th volume of the Theldesia Gazette.

Known War Priests[]

Related Subclasses[]


  1. Log Horizon Database, https://lhrpg.com/lhz/i?id=1646